E-commerce Email Marketing Strategies for Driving Sales

e-commerce email marketing

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Email marketing has proven to be one of the best tools for e-commerce brands since it provides a way to make a direct and personal connection with the customer. For a long time, email marketing has been a lot more effective for online stores than one could imagine. In fact, in a world where social media has almost taken over the entire digital space, studies show that email is 40 times more effective in acquiring new customers than Twitter and Facebook. Of course, this powerful and old-school method to promote online stores builds better customer relationships and provides the highest ROI for online stores that utilize it wisely. With the powerful benefits of email marketing, e-commerce businesses can sustain good growth and success. Here in this blog we will discuss 10 robust strategies to maximize your e-commerce email marketing campaigns.

1. Craft a Welcoming Email Series

Communicating an encouraging and valuable message for the first time in email is crucial when it comes to engaging new subscribers. Instead of sending a broad, informational email that fills their inbox and likely gets lost among the many emails people receive daily, a sequence of emails ensures that the customer is introduced to your brand in a more interesting, albeit gradual way. This series can start with a welcome email where you introduce your company and its values/mission statement, the subsequent follow-up emails can be used to present your best products or even share client success stories or useful tips and tricks regarding your business or products and services offered depending on the type of business. When you space this information apart, it places the new subscribers in front of your brand more than once, thus they may not be tired of seeing it, nor would they be annoyed by your adverts. Thereby, a welcome series can be optimized on the basis of the interests of subscribers or their activity, which contributes to the development of a close-knit bond of trust. Apart from this, it also alters the expectation levels by being more sensitive to the expectations of the consumer and it also helps you position your brand in a unique and more effective way as compared to other brands in the marketplace and hence helps to build a good base for a loyal customer relationship.

2. Segment Your Email List

One effective email marketing strategy is the segmentation of email lists, where subscribers are grouped into small segments described by groups based on some specified criteria. While age, gender, and location do help you somewhat with segmentation yet using psychographic data like interests, lifestyles, and behaviors can really transform your approach. Here the messages can be tailored to really hit the sweet spot of what motivates each of the segments of your audience. For instance, one segment may value products while another may prefer exclusive discounts or behind-the-scenes content. It is a feature of personalization that catches the feelings of your subscribers, rendering very engaging levels. Your subscribers will open your mail, click on your call to action, and in the long run become your regular customers, as they find content relevant and newsworthy. Thus, good segmentation is a way of making email marketing not just a jack-of-all-trades strategy but a sharp instrument for selling and delighting customers.

3. Reward Your Loyal Customers

In this context, the practice of gratifying loyal consumers is one of the key principles of successful business development because such clients consume more often and their satisfaction with an organization’s products is cost-effective compared to the acquisition of new ones. It is well known that buyers who have been with the company for a while will spend 65% more per purchase than new buyers, and this is the reason why buyers should feel wanted. To engage value customers, one of the best strategies is to offer them incentives through a loyalty program where loyal customers are awarded with reward points, discount prices, and other privileges such as first-to-buy especially when new products are to be launched. Further, interactive contribution such as birthday wishes, or receipt of a generic offer to purchase after anniversary of first order enhances the bonding with the brand. Besides encouraging buy again, these rewards also contribute to the paradigm of customer engagement which can be felt as an inclusion of the religious and privileged kind. By taking the time to remind and thank your customers by offering them special promotions through regular emails, you assure higher levels of customer retention and higher customer lifetime value. This also guarantees devoted fans of your brand, who are more likely to share your business among their circle of contacts.

4. Ensure Your Emails are Responsive

Ensuring that your emails are responsive is especially important in today’s mobile-centric landscape, where almost half of all emails are opened in an environment where mobile is the focus. If your emails are not properly designed to be seen on a mobile device, you run the risk of alienating a huge portion of your reader base and losing out on the opportunity for more sales. A responsive email template will scale excellently to fit the device and screen size in use, giving you an email that is not just easy to read but also visually stimulating whether your reader is using a Smartphone, tablet, or desktop to view the email. This includes the use of a clean, uncluttered design, larger font sizes, and touchable buttons that lead to the greatest ease of use. Further, optimizing your image sizes and maintaining quick load times are important in keeping users from clicking out of your email before everything is loaded. Routine testing of your emails across a variety of devices allows you to identify and correct any problems that would impact the user experience. By making a mobile-first design a priority, you improve not just the appearance, but the overall usability and accessibility, of your emails, resulting in greater engagement, improved email deliverability, and better conversion rates. The careful attention to design detail in your emails can make all the difference in how well your audience interacts with and responds to your marketing.

5. Conduct Split Testing

A/B testing, also known as split testing, is one of the most valuable techniques you can use to optimize your email marketing strategy. Split testing is about creating multiple versions of an email and then sending them to small, randomized samples of your subscriber base in order to identify which version performs best. You can test all sorts of elements, including the subject line, which can have a significant impact on open rates; the length and structure of the email body content, which can impact readability and engagement; images, which can either complement or detract from the message; and calls-to-action, which are absolutely vital in terms of driving conversions. By paying close attention to the results of your tests, such as which subject line generates the most opens or which call-to-action causes the highest click-through rate, you will learn a great deal about the preferences and behavior of your audience. It is this data-driven approach that allows you to make decisions based on evidence and to continually refine and improve your email marketing strategy in the knowledge that each campaign will be more impactful than the last. Regular split testing means you can know exactly what is most likely to resonate with your subscribers and hence lead to higher engagement, higher customer satisfaction, and more sales. In short, split testing converts your email marketing from guesswork to an exact science, meaning you can maximize your return on investment.

6. Utilize Back-in-Stock Alerts

Using back-in-stock alerts is a smart way to keep customer interest high and drive sales even in situations when a product is unavailable. Instead of removing out-of-stock items from your website, present the customers an option to get notified when the product is back in stock. By this proactive approach, you get not only a way to keep potential buyers updated, but you also show them demonstratively that you value their attention and are acting to meet their needs. While gathering these email addresses, you also build a list of hot customers who are ready to make a purchase as soon as the product is in stock again. Constant updates on the product status keep your brand on the top of their mind, and the odds they will consider other offers decrease. As soon as the item is in stock again, a timely and individualized back-in-stock email is a great way to convert these potential clients into buyers, and this very often drives a strong and swift sales boost. This also adds to providing very valuable data on customer interest and stock management that can be utilized for future estimation and future stock level management. All in all, back-in-stock alerts drive customer satisfaction up, drive buyer loyalty, and create the maximum sales potential.

7. Implement an Abandoned Cart Email Series

Build an abandoned cart email series as one of the most important tactics in tackling the age-old problem of cart abandonment in e-commerce, which leads to billions of dollars in lost sales for businesses each year. When users abandon a cart with a few products in it, sending an effective, well-thought-out series of reminder emails is the most convincing way to bring customers back to your site to complete their transaction. Typically, the series starts with a gentle reminder sent soon after the abandonment, which reminds the subscriber of the products sitting in his/her cart and its unique value proposition. The remaining emails can feature added incentives such as personalized discounts, time-bound offers, or free shipping to sweeten the deal and proactively encourage the customers to get back and shop. These reminders need to be designed with good visuals and well-conceptualized copy, which will reignite the customer’s interest while also overcoming any objections or doubts that the customer might have held earlier. In addition, by segmenting and personalizing the emails on a customer’s behavior and preferences, they can be made that much more effective. The abandoned cart email series not only goes a long way in salvaging your lost sales but actually goes on to enhance the overall customer experience as well, as they find you care about how they are shopping and are willing to provide support and incentives to help them complete their transaction. Such kind of an approach can go a long way in yielding you revenues, improving your cart abandonment rates, and increasing customer loyalty and satisfaction.

8. Capitalize on Seasonal Promotions

Leveraging seasonal promotions is a very effective tactic to boost sales during peak shopping seasons when consumer spending takes a sharp upsurge. Seasonal holidays and shopping seasons such as Black Friday, Christmas, and Valentine’s Day are very good opportunities to take advantage of the heightened purchase intent of customers. To get maximum leverage out of such seasons, plan your email marketing campaigns much in advance and create compelling offers that resonate with the seasonal excitement and urgency. Limited-time offers such as time-bound discounts, exclusive holiday packages, or early access to sales can create a sense of urgency and nudge the customer to take fast and quick decisions. Customize such emails with festive creative’s and contextual messaging that helps the customer to find resonance with the festive season. Also, make use of segmentation to customize your offers to customers based on their historical purchasing behavior and preferences and make your promotions timely and contextual. Sending such well-thought-out and strategic email campaigns can result in a massive increase in engagement, bring in good revenue, and also get you customer relationships during peak shopping seasons. Seasonal promotions not only get you short-term sales, but also get you brand loyalty, as customers appreciate timely and contextual promotions that make their holiday shopping experience better.

9. Monitor and Analyze Your Results

Evaluating and measuring the effectiveness of your email marketing efforts is essential to making improvements in the payback and success levels of your email marketing promotions. Email metrics such as open rate, click-through rate, conversion rate, or even the unsubscribe rate all provide insight into the effectiveness of a particular campaign. Influencers who have established their presence on several social media platforms should review the platforms often to understand what works and does not work when it comes to engaging the audience. For instance, if the score shows a high open rate but a poor click-through rate, it would imply that the subject lines are effective in creating demand, but the content of the emails and the click-through button are not properly designed. For example, you might have a huge number of people unsubscribing – this might mean that the content you are providing in the emails is not what they signed up to receive or, conversely, that you are emailing too frequently. Regular checks on these reports can help in identifying the areas to look at for possible enhancements such as message subject line, design of the message, the number of messages to be sent to the list or segments of the list. A program like this enables you to make sound decisions, introduce or try out new techniques/exploits and improve and enhance the prospects of your e-mail marketing business. More than that, the continued monitoring and analyzing not only augment your present website ‘s campaigns, but also offer a basis for the typical future campaign. In other words, over time you are able to gain better return on Investment as well as having better relationships with the customers you have made business with.

10. Leverage Email Marketing Automation

Email marketing automation is one of the most effective and efficient means of relaying email campaigns and increasing your campaign’s capacity without compromising the targeted feel. Email automations, also known as drip campaigns, enable you to create a sequence of emails and let them send themselves with little to no additional input from you via the use of automation tools. For example, some automated flows include welcome emails to all the new subscribers, emails after purchase, abandoned cart reminders and emails containing specific products that the subscriber has an interest in based on the past subscriptions and purchases among others. These are messages that are sent automatically based on activities or in some predefined time and space, meaning that each and every time a message is being sent to the customer, it is at the right time. This not only improves the customer experience by providing timely and specific content, but also increases the chances of getting engagement and sales. In addition, using automation tools help in cutting costs, understanding the various metrics used in the campaigns and how to optimize for the best results. When automation is incorporated into the email marketing approach, businesses can ensure that they adapt their processes aligning with the growth of the business, maintain continual engagement with their audience as well as improving the result of the business while harnessing resources on other potentially transformative segments of the business.


An active audience that will be interested in your emails and your product or service. It’s important to underline that e-commerce email marketing that follows the 10 strategies listed below is a great way to enhance customer relationships, encourage interaction with the content, and achieve higher sales figures. Checking your campaigns periodically and tweaking them based on insights gathered is essential for the improvement of your advertising efforts and overall conversion rates. At e:command, we offer professional services in creating unique and integrated e-commerce solutions that meet your needs. Whether you are just starting out or if you have a lot of experience with email marketing, our team of experts will help you define a target approach that will allow your campaign to be a success. Whether it is segmentation, automation and other services related to your e-mail marketing campaigns, we have the knowledge to take your e-commerce business to the next level. Get in touch with us at e:command today to find out how we can assist your business to attain its objectives and see it prosper.

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